After the unbelievably good quest writing in Suramar, Broken Shore is a big disappointment

The questing in Suramar leading up to the opening of Nighthold was some of the best writing I've ever experienced in World of Warcraft. Every week I looked forward to the next part of the story opening up and never once felt like it was a chore. The "Good Suramaritan" meta was fantastic. Blood & Wine was some of the best quest writing I've ever personally experienced in this game.So it was with excitement that I started the Broken Shore invasion; the intro felt suitably epic and felt like it would be a worthy successor to the opening of Nighthold.But then Broken Shore came along, and it became a weekly fetch quest with zero story development, zero character development, and no emotional investment. A HUGE letdown after the phenomenal Nighthold saga.Suramar was in rebellion; we had personalities and character development (cemented by excellent voice acting), tragedy! despair! hope! rebellion! All exciting stuff; it was like a fantasy soap opera. I couldn't WAIT until each Tuesday came along and I got to do the next chapter of the saga.Broken Shore is just Khadgar and some random, unmemorable NPCs who tell you to fetch things. That's it.What happened? I only hope that the level of storytelling comes back up to the standard that Suramar set.