Hubby and I have been going back and forth on WoW for years. We met playing during Wrath, and it has always been a big part of our lives. Like many others, we've taken breaks during the really rough dry spells, like at the end of MoP and WoD. We've enjoyed raiding and many, many of the other amazing aspects of this game. Now, onto the real bits.Warlords kind of hurts us. I know, how squishy are we?! But seriously, we were feeling super excited about it after the drought that came from the gap at the end of Mists. My husband was so bothered by it, he actually said he was done permanently. I convinced him to hear me out, as I gave him every bit of information and detail I could find about Warlords. He was hooked by the time release hit.We had a blast leveling and raiding through the first tiers. Sadly, we saw the decline happening, and we started losing guild members and regular raiders. They were bored, we were bored, and 6.1 was a pretty heavy let down. Overall, we all felt li...