I am the very model of a Legion semi-casual,I have done the current content both normal and heroical,I know the fights entirely and can quote the dungeon jor-un-al,From Skorpyron to Gul'dan, so long as they're not mythical,I'm very well acquainted, too, with matters theory-craftical,I know my core rotation, though my execution's laughable,About my cooldowns and priorities, I've read a lot of news…… but …I still have no idea which DPS trinkets I'm supposed to use. (He still has no idea which DPS trinkets he's supposed to use?)(He still has no idea which DPS trinkets he's supposed to use!)(He still has no idea which DPS trinkets he's supposed to-posed-to use!) I pride myself on showing up for a raid almost every week,I would like to attend some more but am afraid the wife would freak,I'm trying to be more hardcore, but really to be practical,I am the very model of a Legion semi-casual. (He's trying to be more hardcore, but really to be practic...