Yesterday I was participating in the Lucid Nightmare Mount hunt together with the WoW Secret Finding discord channel, and we were stuck on the Ulduar puzzle for hours. After much discussion about the possible pattern, some people, included myself, were convinced that the pattern had to be symmetrical, as there was no way to tell where it started and where it ended. So I filled the whole board with lights and started clearing the corners, and my idea was to some kind of squared Asterisk or star. To my surprise, not 10 minutes into clicking the lights symmetrically to make a shape, all the lights disappeared and the 4 red lights with the parchment appeared. Even though some people already had posted a screenshot of that, they were dismissed as fake, so I was freaking out, just pressed screenshot and posted to the Discord without much more information.Then insanity ensues. I was FLOODED by mentions and DMs, I couldn't respond to anything because the discord room was in slow mode. HUN...