Title says it all pretty much. Long read, so settle in.1 - Setting the ToneThe War of Thorns was a rushed mess that - from a lore standpoint - is painful to even try and respect. Let’s set the tone of the post with a little summary:The Burning Legion was defeated, and the world is at a subtle peace. Families are grieving the loss of the soldier that fell during battle, and the Horde and Alliance are - while at odds due to the events in Stormhiem - on a pretty even base. With Sargares’ sword deep in Azeroth, the world now bleeds Azerite, and both sides are scavenging to get it. Be it whomever is at fault - Alliance spies sabotaging or Goblin miners assaulting any Alliance that got close, tensions were high.Sylvanas Windrunner plants within Saurfang the seeds of doubt in Alliance leadership. Explaining how by alienating the Kaldorei and taking Ashenvale, Darkshore, and Darnasses it would cause a schism within the Alliance while also securing their foothold on Kalimdor. The Kaldorei woul...