Signed up for Waking Dream LFR as tank last night, arrived at N'Zoth and a bunch of skeletons, team had seven stacks of determination, and the tank asking "hey you know the fight?", I said "yeah, you want me up or down", he said "good, you go down", he said 1-3-5 down and he readychecked, off we go, fight begins, boop boop boop, portal opens, we go down, kill psychus, come back up and everybody is dead, now the group is on 8 stacks of determination and I know from personal experience that people get pretty punch at 8 stacks. Tank logs off and I'm made raid leader of this fight for the first time.Waiting for a new tank to arrive, a couple of people admitted to being completely unfamiliar with the fight and somebody suggested googling up a YouTube video on the fight while we were waiting, at least so they could see how challenging it is going to be.I took a look at the group composition, and bottom side had four healers in it, topside only one, and ...