3 weeks ago, I built the Anima Conductor rank 2 on my Necrolord main. After channeling the beam to the House of Eyes, I was elated to see that the 2 available daily quests either give some gear, gold or 500 Anima - I would never have to do world quests for Anima again!I made sure to unlock the same upgrade on my Venthyr alt as quickly as possible, but the Anima I'm getting is awful - it's probably more efficient to run dungeons for Anima than to do these grindy daily quests.For Necrolord, I'm getting at least one quest for 500 Anima almost every day, often times 2 quests for 1000. I'd say on average it's probably 700 Anima per day. For Venthyr, I've seen 4 or 5 quests that gave any Anima at all in 2 weeks, and it's only 1 to 3 pieces of 35.For the last 5 days, I wrote down exactly what I was offered: Necrolord 500, 1000, 1000, 500, 1000 ; Venthyr 0, 0, 105, 105, 0. That's 4000 Anima compared to 210.Am I missing something here? ...