Korean WOW user back. Brought some Korean WOW scenes and scribbling some of my personal thoughts towards NA/EU's failing community

Hi everybody. Korean WoW user back again – and I wanted to thank you all for your replies on my previous post. Today’s post will be rather different from previous ones because first half will be just on some Korean WoW scenes and second half of this post will be dedicated to my personal thoughts regarding some of the youtubers/streamers.I also posted Reddit’s replies to the Korean forum several days ago and am waiting to collect aggregated data.Feel free to navigate to section you want to skip and read to.FYI: there are a lot of Korean user’s replies and comments regarding what they think of NA/EU’s LFR and guild culture. Will be coming soon! Just a lot of work so it’s little bit daunting to start on it.PART 1: Korean WoW SceneOur reset day is Thursday. (These screenshots, btw are from Friday.) Generally, Thurs-Fri-Satur-Sunday are most populated days. This is Azshara Server, where it is the most populated server in Korea. I took the screenshot with my alt. Purple means it’s mythic Uldir and lighter blue is heroic Uldir. These are all PUGs.To answer questions of how TGKP is possible in Korean WoW -- it's because we use Azshara gold as our universal currency, like American $. There are still server specific GDKP groups running as well. I think there are around 50/50 of GDKP and personal loots.It's actually funny in Azshara server, there are more mythic PUGSs in comaprison to Heroic. Azshara sever still requires FindParty Addons to help them navigate through.https://ift.tt/2PZxv4l can easily see 2+ or 3+ mythic boss PUGs for about 2-3 hrs of raidinghttps://ift.tt/2qhN0t5 users have much more difficult time finding a group due to low population.https://i.redd.it/vk2pdrqko3v11.pngThis is in-game interface - cross realm PUGs.https://ift.tt/2Q2MiLs House Token pricehttps://ift.tt/2qjh9IF expensive in my opinion. Chinese gold farmers really created an inflation here.Mythic Keystone. It’s pretty easy to find 10+ or higher stones globally.https://ift.tt/2Q0WNis expedition channel is practically dead – I can sometimes find mythic expedition, but people here usually chooses to run heroic/normal. PVP island expedition also seems to be dead as well.https://ift.tt/2qgRPmH of you wanted to see the server list.https://ift.tt/2Q3tuvM server - which I mainly play on is a medium sized server. There are only one Alliance lopsided server, which is Hyjal. Azshara server's population is much larger than the rest of the servers combined.PART 2: My (Korean user) perspective on why there are no communities in NA/EU*Take it with a grain of salt since this is just my personal opinion. I have no interest in sparking any toxic debate and am here to gain much broader insight on what the underlying problems are.*I excluded the streamer’s name since I didn’t want this to turn out to be a witch-hunt.|I watched a lot of youtubers and streamers as redditors suggested. Although I respect these hardcore high-end players’ passion towards the game (and I do agree on many aspects of what they have to say about game mechanics), I have almost zero respect to their attitudes. One thing that is really perplexing me is that majority of them talked about having no community in the game, complaining how no one talks to one another while at the same time mocking casual users to be “filthy.” Such tone of voice is derisive and is beyond my comprehension as it only serves to spread toxic environment. It only serves to be one of the reasons why community element is failing NA/EU WoW. One of the streamers, in his recollection said WoW was a relief valve for young him as he was able to scold at players who are much older than him, like how he got scolded by his teachers for not doing too good in his school years. It’s so paradoxical to me that he would treat people the way he didn’t want to get treated to. This same person is advocating to save community while ridiculing, this so called “filthy casuals.” Why don’t they instead spend time teaching casuals on how to play better and help them integrate to the community? I know with cross realm technology make bonding moments much more difficult, but I believe they should at least work towards creating a friendly environment.Maybe it’s a completely different culture of WoW, but in case of Korea, there are almost no new users to WoW. Every users are valuable to us. We created an environment where we try to help them out as much as possible so that we have a sustainable population. I seldom see new players thanking high end players on forums for providing heirloom items and giving four 16-slot bags (or even bigger.) When we see new players, one of the first thing we suggest to them is to join a guild so that they can easily seek continuous help, which they generally do. In that sense, we maintained our community in a healthy manner – there are other ways which we did to make it sustainable but that’s just a whole new topic for now.Mythic raiders and casual players sort of have a symbiotic relationship. If there are no steady flow of casual players coming into the game, there will be difficulty in having sustainable mythic raider pool in the future, which also will result in end of community as a whole. Fostering an environment where casual players can grow into mythic raiders is vital for the long term health of the game. How can yelling at them will do any help, let alone join LFR just to make fun of them? (For the streamer who said yelling at casuals actually helped; I want to say this. There are times when yelling is effective and there are times when gently teaching is effective. Knowledge is power. But using it wisely is the key.) When these streamers ask LFR to be completely removed, I simply cannot help but be dazed. It’s not the system that is the problem, it’s clearly the people that are abusing the system that is causing the problems! Just eliminating the LFR as whole is a short-sighted and narrow perspective of solving the matter.I have also seen streamers go on WoW forum and said “We are going to read some stupid sh*ts they post.” Then he goes on to check their ilevel and ridicule them that they should have no right to speak since they are not “mythic-raiders.” Yes… I agree some comments are pretty lame and stupid. However, I wouldn’t go that far to ridicule them to not have the right to speak. The game is not entirely about mythic raiders and there is a need to adequately allocate the fun to both mythic and casual players. (On a side note, it seems Blizzard seems to be doing a horrible job at this in BFA so far.) Therefore, casual player’s demand, into certain extent should be and needs to be addressed. It will be Blizzard’s job to choose how to allocate their workforce to meet such demands. As mentioned earlier, having an environment to nurture new players into mythic raiding scene is important, and I am pretty sure listening to new player’s demand can and will do help.Just in case this streamer wants me to ridicule me as well for not knowing what I am talking about, I downed Mythic Guldan while it was relevant and am currently 3/8 Mythic on Uldir. (I quit mythic raiding since it was time consuming and my former group is currently at 4/8.) It might just be me, because I hated academic elitism while I was in school. I attended top universities both respectfully in Canada and Korea and could not stand some student's condescending views... and whenever I see streamers or youtubers ridicule new players it makes me cringe.here is the proof.https://ift.tt/2qgzyFS me know if you have any questions regarding Korean WOW or to myself.Regards,