Is this just me or has Legion really gotten you "addicted" to WoW again?

I played Wrath of the Lich King like mad back in 2009, but once Cataclysn got released I just didn't really enjoy the game. MoP was the same way and I quit 1 week into the expansion. For WoD I got to level 100 and was bored immediatly after.Legion however, does not have this problem. I'm having the time of my life, it's fun as hell and I love all the changes and lore interaction that it's giving me.The sole problem however, I'm addicted. This whole "Emerald Nightmare releases now!" Makes me play the whole day. Mythic + are open, now I gotta do all of those and it essentially forces me to go hard in order to stay at the top.Now, since Legion already is as time consuming as it is, does anyone else have this issue? That you're having so much fun that you literally forget about the time?Any advice to counteract this?