Coming from the mission table in WoD, and Legion, to BfA is just sad. I loved building up an army of followers, and seeing them wandering around my garrison in WoD, to collecting followers in Legion, and going out on world missions with them.How did we go from Commanders of our factions, Leaders of our classes, to useless foot soldiers again? As well as that, there was great rewards, the weekly piece of raid gear, rare pets, mounts etc. Now we have a sad, pathetic, neutered mission table that feels like an afterthought at best. Rewards are absolutely terrible (146g for a 24hr mission, really?), the followers are pointless once unlocked, and they just sit around being useless in the meantime. Add more hidden followers, from achievements, quests, hidden dungeon quests (like Leeroy Jenkins in UBRS), and let them join us again.It was awesome running around the world with a big ass ogre like Blook, or being able to bring a pocket tank along as a squishy mage in Legion. Make WoW fun again. ...