Ganking Stalker.
My bf and I were leveling in good old Stranglethorn Vale yesterday. We were on war mode so were expecting some fun and ganking. We were slaying some tigers and a 120 DH came and killed us, whatever we laughed and went on our way. 10 deaths later, getting a bit annoying.Got a Boomy friend and my bf went on his main to kill him and vengeance was ours for a bit. We then went to Darkshore and 2 quests in and he ganked us for 20 minutes. We thought we will go to Loch Modan because there was no way he would know where we have gone. As soon as we picked up the quests he killed us. We logged off and our boomy friend got these whispers from his alliance Pally who was his alt saying how he uses a bot to track where we go.We didn't mind he killed us so many times with WM on, just more the fact that it was the only thing he did for 2+ hours. I've logged on a day later a few times within 5 minutes of logging on he finds me and kills me. I made a ticket for harassment so will see what's said about his bot tracker he says he uses.PS: I looked at his mounts and he didn't have any rare mounts let alone the "rarest mount only 4 people on the server have"