A Guide to choosing Order Hall Champions

TL; DR: 2/2/1 Specs, 2 AoE, then 2/1 of the others. Don't have your solo-spec also be the solo-counter. Pick the best mission completion traits.A long time ago, this post was done as a guide to picking order hall champs. The effort was great, the logic sound, and the inital assumptions were all completely wrong. Unknown information at the time, but it is what it is.I started tracking missions by hand a while ago. It wasn't very long before I hit a problem - a mission that I'd already marked had a different spec when it came up again. The first couple times I just updated it to the new one thinking I'd written it down wrong, but it just kept happening.It turns out that the "spec" needed for a mission is random, while the other counters are fixed. After tracking for a few months, my current spreadsheet can be found here.Note that I've only tracked the missions you get once your champions reach ilvl 850. There are others as you level up and gather follower equipment, but those aren't important in the grand scheme of things.The Data:Total Missions: 52 (I condensed all the "Investigate X Dungeon" down to one, as they're all the same and you can only have one up at a time).AoE Counters: 40Interrupt Counters: 28Dodge Counters: 23Therefore, you want 2 of your champions to be AoE counters, then a 2/1 split of the others. Since the spec is completely random, you just want to go 2/2/1 however is best. As a side note, you probably want to avoid having the solo-spec be the same character as the solo-counter as using that one in a mission greatly reduces your options for other missions.A quick note on Combat Allies: If you're using one, it's because you want the 50 Gold and 100 Resources you get per world quest - it's a massive liability to mission success rate to only have 4 real champions. I'll note the grouping for 4 if you need the resources anyway.My Characters, as an example of how to choose:Hunter:The first thing we notice is that both Survival champions are bad for missions. Going Solo (Rexxar) is rare (4 solo AoE, and it has to hit Surv as well), and the reduced mission time for Addie is surprisingly bad as well. There are only 14 missions that are 4 or 5 hours base, which gives her the bonus with a Carrot item, and of those only 9 have her Interrupt counter as well.Similarly, Emmarel's ability is pretty poor - she counters Dodge, and has a bonus vs Interrupt. There are only 4 missions with both.Hemet is great (probably the best champ in the game, 15% extra at all times and counters AoE), Hilaire for the second AoE (because Rexxar is bad), Addie as SV, then Blake and Halduron are both solid.All the requirements are met (2/2/1 spec, 2 AoE then 2/1 INT/Dge, and the counter from the solo spec (INT from Addie) is also covered by Blake.For combat ally: Rexxar (#AlwaysHuffer) in Blake's spot, but note that Hilare is bad as well then. Probably better to go Rexxar/Hilaire/Emmarel/Hemet/Addie.Druid:Broll may be NATURE'S RAGE, but his ability doesn't help mission completion rate at all. Therefore we have to take Mylune (the only other Dodge). We also only want one Resto as neither one helps completion rate.The rest are really flexible and there are two ways to go: Remulos/Brightwing/Zen'tabra/Hamuul, or Naralex/Sylendra/Hamuul/Zen'tabra - both meet the requirements and both have benefits. Brightwing as the solo-Resto with AoE is nice, but Sylendra's hearts work better with the Ancient of War as you can keep a Resto AoW up forever.Combat Ally: Broll (CA), then Mylune/Naralex/Hamuul/Sylendra.Warrior:Man the Warrior champs are bad. Not just one but TWO solo-champions (Svergan and Thorim), and Finna as the only other Prot with the awful INT/Dge combination. On top of that, the Shieldmaidens get the extra bonus on Dge, not AoE. Ugh.We're basically forced to take Finna (only Prot), Hymdall (only Dge), Ragnvald/Hodor (2 AoEs), then Ymiron (not good, but Dvalen is the only other option and that'd be 3 Fury).A quick note on Hymdall: 15% bonus on long missions is GREAT - 27 meet that requirement (about half), and you get both equipment slots dedicated to it as well for a massive 85% bonus on long missions. With Addie, you lose one slot for the Carrot.Combat Ally: Dvalen or Thorim in Ymiron's spot.Shaman:Only 2 AoEs, so take them (even though Mylra is bad). It's actually pretty hard to go wrong with the rest, and any combination that meets the basic rules is going to be fine here.It's probably good to reserve Rehgar as a combat ally due to his ability. I go with Mylra/Celestos/Avalanchon/Hydraxis/Nobundo - the Broken is a little weak but it sets the solo-ENH as an AoE counter, putting Muln in Nobundo's spot is totally fine too.Combat Ally: Rehgar (CA) in Avalanchon's spot.Priest:Priest is easy. Only 2 AoEs, take them (Sol/Calla). Take both Shadow champions due to Shadow Heresy (Natalie/Zabra). All four of the others actually work as the 5th - Mariella or Alonsus have the best abilities (and I like having Alonsus as the combat ally slot, so I go with Mariella).Combat Ally: Alonsus in Mariella's slot.Hope that helps, and may your Artifact Power missions always be 200%!