[Theory] Whispers Of Il'gynoth : Helya x-post warcraftlore

Hey guys, I've posted this over on r/warcraftlore a few weeksback and got some great feedback including requests to try my luck here so here we go.I've come up with a theory regarding one Two of Il'gynoth's whispers, It's a pretty far stretch but hear me out. One of the whispers goes as the following :"At the hour of her third death, she will usher in our coming". We all imminently went towards Sylvanas and how she's died twice already and since she's a main character it makes sense, something about this interpretation didn't stick with me, for two main reasons:1) Sylvanas has already Died three times : First time by Arthas (Becoming a banshee). Second time she died in Wotlk (cast herself off the top of Icecrown Citadel ). Third time in the forsaken starting zone. This reason can be dismissed by overlooking the second death and stating that it may be Yogg'saron with his hrmmm, her shklee's mind altering powers.2)Vol'jin's death: When Vol'jin died he had summoned Sylvanas to him because of a vision that the Loa spirits gave him , he stated that he never trusted her and that he would never have imagined that She would save them but despite all of that doubt , he gives her the mantle of Warchief which seems to say that the Loa showed him something of grave importance.This Argument may also be dismissed as a trick of the Legion or the old gods and that Vol'jin has been tricked by them.Nevertheless I cannot be pleased with saying that Sylvanas is the "She" that Il'gynoth is refering to.While looking for other candidates I've come acroos one that fits the puzzle pretty well and it seems like Blizzard has neglected story wise.Helya fits the bill pretty well and it makes a lot of sence story wise,Regarding her deaths I've taken the more poetic approach for "Death", In this approach Helya has died twice already and a third by us.First time being betrayed by Odyn and being turned into the first Val'kyr. Second time is when she succumbed to the Whispers of yogg'saron (Look at what it turned her into) Third time by us eventually killing her. You might ask, what did us killing her do? how is this "Ushering in" the old gods coming?To answer that let me Relate you to another Whisper of Il'gynoth and a pretty popular theory surrounding it"The lord of ravens will turn the key."The interpetation I'm speaking of is the following, The king of raven is refered to in mythology as Odyn and the key is the thing that would let the Legion and or The old gods back into azeroth.Keeping that in mind , Killing Helya released Odyn from his "Curse" Freeing him to do whatever the hell he pleases (The first thing he does is go to Ulduar still has some of Yoggsaron's influence left) .What i'm saying basicly is that so far we've only heard the story of Helya from Odyn's Point of view where she is portrayed as a villian, But what if we are all mistaken and she had another reason to lock Odyn up, what if there is more than meets the eye here more than an ultimate good vs an ultimate evil,What if... by killing helya we have "Ushered in their coming"But hey, thats just a theory... A WoW Theory Thanks for watching{They story of Helya could also be lacking as we know Blizzards likes to skip out on "Water related" Stories Ahem Neptulon Ahem}TL;DR - Helya is misunderstood, by killing her and freeing Odyn we have doomed Azeroth.