It has been a long time since I have truly enjoyed doing a dungeon, but last night brought me beautiful memories of a time long ago.

It was three in the morning. I had just gotten done with work, had poured myself a glass of scotch, and launched World of Warcraft. I turned off all of my lights. My keyboard and PC LED's being the only source of ambient light.I've been leveling up my protection Paladin because my guild had no need for another Frost DK, so I told them that I would fill a tanking spot with my pally. I tanked with this pally during Wrath, Cata, and Mists- but switched over to my DK during WoD.I logged on and queued up for normal Eye of Azshara for the Pillar of Creation quest. Due to me being a tank, I was given an insta queue. Let me preface this by saying that I've been playing WoW for a long time, since the beginning of BC. Back then it seemed like the game was a lot more challenging, that dungeons were not just five people being randomly grouped together and killing things with no communication. Perhaps I was just younger and more stupid back then, or perhaps the difficulty truly has been lessened. Either way, I've longed for the days of the Warcraft that I knew and loved. Where dungeon groups felt like adventuring with a group of friends. I still try and talk to my groups now a days, but I very rarely receive responses.I get into EoA and begin to pull ads. I start off small in order to gauge the strength of our healer, but even pulling two Nagas seemed like a challenge for her. We make it through the first trash group and approach the boss. I pull, we wipe. The healer apologizes profusely and told us that she was a relatively new player. No one was angry, no one left the group. We all just said, "don't worry about it."We started to give her tips on healing, and I told her that if she sees other people going down, heal them and ill take care of myself. Another guy is giving her specific rotations, while another is giving her advice on what stats she should focus on. We kill the first boss with relative ease, and then down the next on our first try.We get to Serpentrix and I begin pulling the Hydras and crabs. But our hunter accidentally pulls the boss. We wipe. Four of us run the route back to the boss with no difficulty, but our healer didn't know the route, and kept getting killed by Ads. I know that I should have waited for her, but I forgot that new players can have troubles running a weird route in order to avoid as many trash packs as possible. She dies three times trying to get to us, and eventually one of the DPS' rides to her on his Mammoth, has her hop on, and shows her the route.We clear the trash around Serpentrix and pull the boss. We wipe the first time, but kill it the second. King Dreadbeard was no problem, and WoA gave us no trouble. At the end we all agreed that this was the most fun we've had in a long time. It was social, it was difficult, it was reminiscent of the WoW I had spent so much time in so long ago.She asked if we could run another, but the 3 DPS' all said they were getting off. I decided to run another with her. We finish Halls of Valor pretty easily, the whole time I'm whispering tips to her. Its six in the morning now, and I decide that I should probably go to sleep. She thanks me for all the help, and I say it was my pleasure. I told her to add me in case she wants to do another at a later time, and then I logged off.It was the most fun I've had in WoW in a long time. No one got angry, not a single person left the group, we all just remembered back to the days when we were noobs. When we were told that Warriors probably shouldn't be wearing intellect gear. I realized that this WoW isn't dead, it just takes a good group of people to bring it out.Have fun guys.