
Showing posts from 2021

Can...I have my raid....please? It's been 4 hours...


An ode to anyone I have ever PI'd


I think I may have found the key to the Jailer's demise, all the way back in Legion!


Blizzard Entertainment's Chief Legal Officer resigns.


Stop buying boosts and using them as credentials to join pugs

Just had a 2k io tank brick my +15 PF. Didn't have a route, never used ignore pain or shield block, didn't say anything and just left after dying 5 times within the first 3 minutes. Looked at their runs on Raider IO, they cleared each +15-17 dungeon only once for fort/tyr and were the SECOND tank in each dungeon, being boosted by the same 4 players 248+ ilvl. The rest of their runs were bricked +8-12s.Please if you buy a boost... just don't use LFG anymore. Or stop buying boosts. Or just stop playing the game because you're not even playing to begin with.

"Somehow these creatures are still not added as mounts" Starter-pack


Someone had an oopsie with Copy and Paste


Keeping this screenshot handy for the next time someone rages at me for missing a pull at the end of a key


The abomination factory should let Death Knights customize their ghoul

Since every class is asking for more flavour thought I'd throw my hat in the ring

šŸ‚ My WoW elfs drawing [Tofusenshi] šŸ‚ Can you guess the TMOG?


SEC Is Investigating Activision Blizzard Over Workplace Practices, Disclosures


Look at how they massacred my Pandaren :(


Why do certain items only drop for certain classes even if other classes can use them?

There is a rare in Ardenweald called Faeflayer. I killed him every day for like 4 months now because either handynotes or silver dragon told me that this ******** (I mean nice rare spawn) can drop a one handed axe that I could use for transmog. I'm a rogue btw.soooo I finally decided to look up the item on wowhead to see the drop rate.... I now know that only frost dks, fury and prot warriors as well as prot paladins can loot this weapon......WHY??????what's the point ? I can use one handed axes perfectly fine and even transmog it on my rogue if I would loot it on a warrior.I don't get it. can someone please explain to me how this makes sense ?

Blood Elf Heritage weapons - concept by me


When you don't have a warlock


During Legion Timewalking can Argus be in the sky plz. Just beause, cool :)


And i fucking love it


lol why are all these guys from the same guild lined up?


Blizzard need to realize the power of cosmetics in WoW and put more resources into making them

Early WoW motivation was largely tied to the feeling of power. And while it still stays so, the feeling of style and look becomes more and more prevalent in modern gaming.Its not a coincidence that many F2P games bring money because of lots of cool looking skins and other cosmetic stuff. Same comes to MMORPG.And while Blizzard brings in some cosmetics, like transmog, mounts, toys, its not even nearly enough in nowadays gaming, both in quantity and as a motive to play the game.A lot of people in WoW would gladly play the game more if there was more cool looking pieces of armor, weapon, mounts and toys put as the rewards. A lot of people would gladly do various activities not just for power, but for cool cosmetics.In other words, Blizzard, put more resources into cosmetics and be more generous using it as the rewards for various activities. It would be pretty nice to do WQ, Torghast or Dungeon Runs if you know you would get some nice looking piece of armor from current or even past expa...

[Discussion] We need something to indicate someone is a new player.

I don't know if this has been touched upon and I'm not a fan of making unnecessary comparisons, but one thing that really stood out for me in FFXIV was the newcomer sprout icon. When leveling in FFXIV with my BF, we both hit max level without hearing one single bad comment (he plays tank and is less experienced in MMOs, I play healer mostly and have been playing MMOs for about 6 years), and in WoW we've had multiple toxic comments, since literally our first dungeon together. Everytime we got queued with a more experienced player in FFXIV, they'd do their best to explain the fights, wish us a fun leveling experience, or they just didn't say anything at all, but responded when asked to; In WoW, we get raged at almost every dungeon. Like, how do you expect a newcomer to know every 8 year old mechanic in the game? My boyfriend got raged at for not knowing the mechanics in a Legion instance, and the incident in question wasn't even his fault. I understand everyone w...

[request] Blizz, can we get tamable Wicker-Beasts in 9.1.5, please? We have Thornclaw(Wolf) and Bramblebears (Bear) Beast type NPCs in Drustvar in Drustvars

Currently, there are two types of models of wicker beast that could possibly be made into tamable Beasts for hunters, The models are called Bramblebear, which is a type of cursed bear and Thornclaw which is a type of cursed wolf.Here is an example of a Bramblebear(Bear) NPC: is an example of a Thornclaw(Wolf) NPC: can be argued that even though they look like Kul Tiran Druid forms, it wouldn't be the first time that beasts that look almost the same as druid forms have been made tamable. For instance, hunters can already tame Zandalari Feral "cat-form" and the tuskless version of Zandalari "bear-form".Thank you for reading.

Unreleased artifact skins would be a great reward for Mage Tower


The rare Triple Survival Hunter group lmao, casually timed a 18Hoa with these chads


Iā€™m going to miss this a lot when the mage tower challenges come back


So my dad forged me a Frostmourne

My father's first sword as a blacksmith: 3.5 feet long and 11 pounds of solid steel."Whomsoever takes up this blade shall wield power eternal. Just as the blade rends flesh, so must power scar the spirit."I should state, my father is a mailman. He tinkers with forging in his off-time. This is not a scratch-for-scratch replica and I'm 100% okay with that. It's a labor of love and I appreciate every hour put into it :) To me, it's absolutely incredibleā€‹, BABY!Not bad, dad, not bad.Arthas, my son...Yes, this is a ball-hitch for a truck.The side skulls are JB Weld I think? Rebar ram horns.Can't be a runesword without runes, yo

Since we are asking for stuff to make WoW better again, how about a massive drop of armor styles per race/class to really give something of value to our characters after so long, like what Arthur Lorenz has done on Artstation, linked below.


Anger Problems - Dark Legacy Comics #789


My OC Vilex and her boar - by Foxiart/ me


Never Be Slaves by Xiaoyu Wang


My only concern so far about threads of fate leveling - lv 60 dungeons are still unavailable.

Basically title.No idea why- Spires of Ascension- Theater of Pain- De Other Side- Sanguine DepthsAre locked behind lv 60 while doing threads of fate - please add them to RDF list.That's all, thank you.

Warlock class crest. Finally found a use for my little toned sketchbook.


Without getting sobby

Hey all, I hope this is an appropriate place to post this. Without getting too emotional on Reddit, Iā€™m looking for someone who can create a piece of artwork for me.My dad passed away on Tuesday suddenly at 51 years of age. He got me into World of Warcraft back when Burning Crusade first launched. I remember spending hours on progressing through Tempest Keep with him. I was still in high school and he would let me stay up late for a few more pulls. He played WoW up until a few months before he passed. He was a huge pet collector and I always made fun of him for it. Iā€™ve already asked my mom if I can take over his account in order to continue on with his legacy. As lame as it sounds, I donā€™t think his WoW characters should die. Iā€™ll probably focus on collecting pets, because thatā€™s what he would do. As lame as I think it is.Anyway, back to the original reason for this post. I would love to get his main WoW character drawn for my mom. I thought Iā€™d start on here and see if anyone has co...

After seeing all the discussion on customization and forms, I thought I'd repost a meme I made a few months back... Blizz Plz.


Since BFA Legacy Loot will soon be a thing, can we do something about warfronts? Remove Time limitations at least


Anyone ever have this issue?


The Lich cheems


Pandaren druids

Can we please get Pandaren Druids? Perhaps their travel forms could be "channelling" the August Celestials. Xuen could be the cat form, Chi-ji could be on of the travel forms, Niuzao could be the bear form and some form of Yu-lon could be the Moonkin form. Just an idea that i'm sure quite a lot of players would like.

Guess which future Allied Race would suit the Fel Werebear Druid Form: Feltotem Tauren!


What an interesting definition of "defenders"


Happend to me during DoS 17+. Had a nice lil chat with the DH afterwards about SV. (2nd pic was overall dmg)


Class Skin Concept: Expanding Class Fantasy to New (& Old) Class/Race Combos [Paladin Customization for Sunwalkers, Prelates, Blood Knights & more!}

Hey everyoneRecently, Keyboardturner and I have been brainstorming a variety of ideas on how to expand on Class Customization.Shadowlands introduced a ton of new racial customization, but what if that same concept could be applied to our classes?There are tons of in-lore examples of different NPC-variety classes and with the Community's massive support of the Racial Customization, we (and many members of the Community) think Blizzard should do the same for Classes.Class Skins:The idea of a 'Class Skin' is a purely cosmetic overlay that would change the icon, name and spell FX of ones class. Ideally, your class 'name' would also change but for the sake of PVP or even raid-mouse overs, there would be a clear indication of what your 'base class' really is.The idea isn't locked to a single class either - it's Spell FX theme could span across multiple classes (see Sunwalkers below)Best Bandshot of 2021The goal with these class skins would be to provide s...

I made some derpy Shaman stickers!


'Shipwrecked Healer' render of my holy paladin by @schneissy


Patch 9.1.5. Males can now wear skimpy armor for equality.... and damn it feels great.


It's good new blizzard


Druid favouritism


You know what I find interesting? - The Requests that spring up in /r/wow right now. They are not focused on player power.

Over the last few days, it feels like what is mostly requested is:Cosmetics, to a HUGE degree.Reduction of grindReduction of RNGI don't really see anyone asking for something that increases player power.In fact, I see quite a few calls to remove the temporary extra powers in favor of a cohesive set of abilities/spells for classes.But the requests are mostly for cool looking stuff or making things less of a chore.I find that quite interesting, because it kind of shows where the focus of the playerbase on this subreddit lies at least.What is the impression you guys have within your guilds? What is it your Guildmates are talking about with 9.1.5?

I promised a boomkin mock-up version like my feral one so behold...felkin!!


Goldshire after the recent events


Night Elf Paladin Class Skin by @keyboardturn on Twitter
