[request] Blizz, can we get tamable Wicker-Beasts in 9.1.5, please? We have Thornclaw(Wolf) and Bramblebears (Bear) Beast type NPCs in Drustvar in Drustvars

Currently, there are two types of models of wicker beast that could possibly be made into tamable Beasts for hunters, The models are called Bramblebear, which is a type of cursed bear and Thornclaw which is a type of cursed wolf.Here is an example of a Bramblebear(Bear) NPC:https://ift.tt/3u5ZNiF is an example of a Thornclaw(Wolf) NPC:https://ift.tt/3EAzzJY can be argued that even though they look like Kul Tiran Druid forms, it wouldn't be the first time that beasts that look almost the same as druid forms have been made tamable. For instance, hunters can already tame Zandalari Feral "cat-form" and the tuskless version of Zandalari "bear-form".Thank you for reading.