In the new expansion can we have all QoL right after start of it instead year or smth later?

Like in the title, can we have all QoL for new grinding systems like we had in legion/bfa and shadowlands? For example, in legion we have received token for legendaries after 8 months? or smth and until that a lot of people were frustrated. So if there is any new system with rng can we from start get the token system to choose what we want after a time? F.g we have to drop legendary but in the same tame we receive some currency and after 2-3 weeks of playing we can buy lege we choose.I have feeling that it looks the same every expaniosn. Introducing some rng and not fun systems to just make 'hey guys, we hear you, here you have some QoL for it!' and it's always some currency to grab and spent for what we choose.