Blizzard, talents are NOT the place to put previously baseline abilities, artifact traits, or legiondary effects

With the reveal of the BfA alpha talents, it seems that a lot of the abillities that we have had either baseline, as artifact traits, or on legiondaries are now being reintroduced as talents. Going from a baseline improvement to a class, to an optional choice, which competes with other abilities.This feels very bad. It feels like our characters are getting weaker. Our power is regressing, despite gaining an additional 10 levels in BfA.Other than that, it also feels extremely lazy. The exciting new talents in BfA are part old abilities we already had. (This was also the case for Legion, sadly).With the newest alpha build, I feel now is a good time to remind Blizzard that reusing old baseline abilities as talents is not something we are very excited about.