Levelling really is a let-down... we either need a level squish or more rewards each level.
1) there are too many levels. New players are probably overwhelmed or not motivated to get from level 1 to all the way to level 120. Even casual/veteran players are probably disheartened by it. (I dont speak for everyone though)2) there are a lack of rewards for each level. Its not "oh cool level 40! I got Mortal Strike" Its "oh cool, Level 40. 3 more levels til I get a new ability..." This creates a lack of satisfaction and motivation. Atleast give us cosmetics between each level if you dont want to balance out abilities.In case of a level squish, lets say level 60, just pack every ability into a consistent rhythm like every two levels, make talent abilities go from multiple of 10s. And every level that doesnt reward a talent ability or a normal ability could reward a cosmetic.