[8.1 Spoilers] The problem with Blizzard's attempts to make the Alliance morally grey

Blizzard promised that both factions would be morally grey this expansion. There are a few pockets of the Alliance doing bad things. That's true. But they're always written so poorly that they give us too much cognitive dissonance to really accept as something we've actually done.Sylvanas' actions are believable. Her Apothecaries have been stating that her plagues are intended to "wipe out all life on Azeroth" since vanilla. I wish the story went differently, but as it is her actions are realistic. Story-breaking and writing us into a hole, but still-- in line with her character.But why on God's green earth would the Alliance have Vulpera Death Squads? What did the Vulpera ever do to us, and more importantly, why would we waste that manpower on anyone but the Forsaken?A real 'evil Alliance' story would be Worgen losing control (potentially on purpose) and eating innocent Horde settlements. It would be the zealous, out of touch Lightforged murdering Orcs indiscriminately because of their 'demon-corrupted' green skin. It would be angry Night Elves stealthing into Orgrimmar to kill Forsaken refugees in jealous rage over not having been able to evacuate Teldrassil. As someone that plays both factions but keeps the Alliance close to my heart, I would go NUTS for quests like this. The Worgen's dark history is something that has been totally forgotten about and I'd love to hear more from it. The Lightforged are a race of career soldiers with a history of borderline disturbing zealotry, and yet they go almost completely unutilized in the damned faction war.But Blizzard can't give the Alliance any thought. They best thing they can do is,"Hey guys, what's evil?""Uhhh... Murdering cute fluffy animals?""GREAT! We'll have the Alliance do that! You're a genius, Bob!"