A quick reminder for everyone.

Some of us didn't play the beta, and some of us learn by doing. sometimes both of those things apply.as you begin your shadowlands journey, be well aware we are in the first week and people are still learning. speaking from experience, as you continue pugging heroics and maybe even mythic content, don't be a dick.I've been kicked for pulling 1 extra mob, and I've had multiple DPS already go about pulling extra packs of mobs "because its just heroic" while they barely out-dps people in their AH bought 190 gear. on the other hand, I've had pugs invite me to tank, as a 165 BrM, some mythic dungeons after only doing normal and not understanding the progression in difficulty.it's been 3 days. be patient with everyone as we learn and grow and adjust. you can be stern, and after a few wipes you can even say things like "yeah, this isn't working out, we just don't have the group/gear for it".but don't be a dick and don't go into these heroics/mythics with some MDI-level expectations. the "cutting edge" population is actually fairly small and the game has been out for 3 days.