Per Request, here's a large post about how to make gold right now!

So /u/iceklimber, /u/myrdok and /u/thatgusguy92 this thread is for you.So I'll cover some general strategies that don't require any special addons or anything.General tips:Invest in bags. If you have a friend or if you have the gold, invest in large bags that allow you to carry more at a time. This will save you postage, travel time, and a lot of headache.If you are planning on farming herbs or ore or even old raids, consider investing in fast flying.For level 1-99:Save any material like Cloth, leather, ore, herbs. You can sell these at the auction house.Get a gathering profession like Herbalism or mining. Low level material is still good to sell because high level players don't want to farm it. You can get these items naturally while you are doing quests in a zone.Disenchanting can also be a good profession as enchanting material can still make some good money. The strategy is to disenchant greens but sell blue items.Some green items can be sold for a lot of money as they have unique transmog looks. You can check the auction house for pricing or use the advanced method described in that section.While leveling, avoid doing dungeons or pvp as much as possible and focus on quests. Dungeons and PVP may require less effort for the XP but will make the leveling take longer and you will get less money to use overall.For level 100:Revisit old raids like Firelands, Bastion of Twilight, etc. Change the difficulty to the highest you can handle (25 heroic is best). Each boss will drop 100 gold. You can repeat this once a week per raid per character.Use your garrison to help make money. Set up your garrison with the following buildings: Inn level 3, Barracks level 3, dwarven bunker level 2, trading post level 2, Salvage yard 3, inscription building 2, jeweler building 2, herb garden 3, mine 3. You can use the Inn to get you treasure hunter followers once per week. The Inn will spit out new missions that reward a large amount of gold. You can use the bunker to help level up your followers. The trading post can be used to convert garrison resources to gold. Using the mine and garden, you can do the dailies with the jewelcrafting hut and the inscription building. Missions will reward salvage boxes for more potential gold. The barracks will increase your follower cap by 5 to give you more missions at a time.Advanced strategies (mods here!):install and set up TradeSkillMaster. This will help you by giving you pricing for your items if you want to sell them on the AH. This also helps you find good auctions to buy for resale, shows you what profession items are most profitable based on market value and it does a few other things like bookkeeping, destroying trash, etc.Install the auctionator mod. It makes it extremely easy to list your auctions with this and it's my preferred listing tool.If you have skinning, go to tanaan and skin pythons and raptors. They can drop felblights which are worth 100g each on most servers.Take up archaeology and sell glyph pieces. People that don't like archaeology will buy these to speed up completing projects.Once you have some raw gold, look for markets in the auction house where you can buy low and sell high. This means look for products that someone listed very low to sell it quickly, buy it, then relist it at a price higher than what you paid for it + the deposit fee +5% of the items value. For example: You buy something at 10g when you try to list it, it comes with a 1g deposit, you should list is higher than 12g because you will lose 1g for the deposit, and you would lose another 1g for the auction house cut. If you can't find items that allow you to mark up that much, you shouldn't buy them as you will end up losing money that way.These are some basic strategies that helped me hit gold cap twice. If you feel that these may help you, make sure to save this post!Edit: I'll be putting up videos on my channel about all of these strategies, if you like youtube and want to check out something new, I'd appreciate it! 2: WOW Thank you all for the support! I'll be turning this whole post into separate videos as part of a playlist. I really appreciate you guys! Thanks again!