I just made 20,000 gold shitposting in trade chat...

I was on my level 48 Warrior alt, trying to decide which spec to play as, and I asked trade chat: Which warrior spec is most fun for leveling?Naturally this evolved into an Arms vs Fury DPS debate, and me being me, I stated the following: "I know a surefire way to settle this debate. Whoever sends me the most gold is the winner, their opinion is the correct one and their Warrior spec is factually better."One of them said they'll take me up on that offer, and I expected he'd send me like 5 gold or something and win by default for being the only one to send money. Nope... logged in this morning to a letter from him with 20,000 gold attached.Shout-out to Heythanksman of Lightbringer(A) for going all-in on a joke.Incidentally, Fury is far and away the superior warrior DPS spec in all regards.