The canonical champions of dungeons/raids per Chronicle Vol. 3

I just finished reading chronicle vol. 3, and one of the more interesting things I noticed was that many of the dungeons and raids received an official faction or force that defeated them. I decided to put a list together of who did what. These are in the order that the book lists them, which as far as I can tell is the new official order these events happened in, which has some major changes from what used to be the case. For things like zones/quest details, I only mention when they list a specific faction as being the one who did them (most are described as combined forces or both factions doing similar things simultaneously.)---Vanilla---The alliance kills Emperor Thaurissian and "saves" Moira, who declines the rescue. She is the one who apparently leaks information about Ragnaros and Nefarian to outsiders in efforts to free the Dark Irons.Molten Core is one of the few a faction is not declared for- just described as "scores of powerful champions."The Horde cleanse Maraudon, and the Magram centaurs are the victorious tribe in desolace.The Horde clear Dire Maul of both the ogres and demons summoned by the Shen'dralar.The Horde clear Blackrock Spire and proceed, apparently in one fell swoop, to kill Nefarian as well.The Horde (quite a few victories in a row for them) rescue the druids of the Wailing Caverns.An Alliance force, sent by the Cenarion Circle, kills the corrupted dragons and Atal'i trolls in the Sunken Temple of Atal'Hakkar. The dragons of nightmare are also stopped around this time, but it is unclear who killed which ones.The Zandalari, via the Darkspear tribe, recruit the horde to kill Jin'do and subsequently Hakkar in Zul'gurub.Under the command of Varok Saurfang, a combined Alliance and Horde force attacks Ahn'qiraj. The Horde hold the ruins of the city above, while the Alliance delves into the temple and slay C'thun. (Note- it is described that C'thun is completely dead here, the other Old Gods are a bit worried about this.)Separate from an Argent Dawn force led by Darion Mograine assaulting Naxxramas to free his father, the Alliance invades the necropolis slaying Kel'thuzad and driving it out of the Plaguelands.---Burning Crusade---(you may be noticing something major missing from that timeline, it's not a mistake)Illidan and his Demon Hunters covertly defeat Highlord Kruul shortly after the initial push of Horde and Alliance forces through the Dark Portal.The Horde sweeps through apparently the entirety of Hellfire Citadel - Kargath Bladefist and Magtheridon are specifically mentioned as being defeated by them.The Alliance, urged on by the Draenei of Telredor, attack Coilfang Reservoir, freeing the Broken slaves there and slaying Lady VashjThe Horde attack Tempest Keep and Kael'thas, spurred on by Lor'themar after discovering his new allegiance to Kil'Jaden. Kael'thas is not killed however, and is spirited away by demonic forces, and will proceed through the Dark Portal towards the Sunwell.A combined force of Horde, Alliance and Shattrath City forces attack the Black Temple, led by Akama and Maiev.A Horde strike force invades Zul'Aman to combat the rising Amani Troll army. They are successful in killing Zul'jin and preventing them from attacking Quel'thelas.The Horde and Alliance both lead expeditions to the Isle of Quel'danas. The Horde attack the Magister's Terrace finally killing Kael'thas, while the Alliance proceed to the Sunwell, banishing Kil'jaeden before he can fully manifest on Azeroth.After his warrior half is discovered by Jaina, the two halves of Varian Wrynn drive Onyxia out of Stormwind, and then slay her in her lair, fusing them back into one person. It's unclear if other alliance forces assisted.---Wrath of the Lich King---On the initial landing in Northrend, the Horde attack via the Borean Tundra, while the Alliance establishes their foothold in the Howling Fjord.The Horde and the Alliance both attack Naxxramas, some of the heroes are described as being veterans of the first assault on the citadel. Kel'thuzad's soul is apparently "lost in the shadowlands."The united forces of the Wyrmrest Accord - Alliance, Horde and Dragons, kill Malygos to end his assault on mortal magi.Bolvar Fordragon and Dranosh Saurfang join their forces at the Wrathgate, where they are betrayed by Putress. Both factions attack the Undercity in retaliation, with the Horde killing Varimathras, and the Alliance killing Putress.Unable to work together, the Horde and Alliance send different teams to assist Brann Bronzebeard at Ulduar. The Alliance take out the forces in the Halls of Stone, preventing the Forge of Wills from being used to create an army, while the Horde slay Loken in the Halls of Lightning.With information gained from these attacks spurring them on, the Horde and Alliance join forces for a final assault on Ulduar, defeating Yogg-Saron. Several heroes go insane during the final battle, turning on their allies. They then confront Algalon, preventing him from using the Forge of Origination to wipe all life from Azeroth.The Argent Tournament allows Tirion Fordring to select a powerful strike force made up of both factions to assault Icecrown Citadel. With support from the main armies of both factions, the strike force proceeds through the fortress, facing a minor defeat in the Halls of Reflection, then proceeding to conquer the rest of the citadel, including the Lich King himself.---Cataclysm---Led by the Earthen Ring, a combined force strikes down Al'akir, the first major victory against Dethwings forces.With the aid of the Red Dragonflight, the alliance drives the twilight dragonflight forces out of Grim Batol.The Horde strike at the Bastion of Twilight, the seat of power of the Twilight's Hammer, killing Cho'gall.Vol'jin recruits both Horde and Alliance forces to prevent the Zandalari from gaining power in Zul'Aman and Zul'Gurub.The Cenarion Circle leads a combined force into the Firelands to defeat Ragnaros and save Hyjal.The Horde assist Nozdormu in defeating his corrupted self, Murozond, in the End Time, breaking his hold over the timeways. The Alliance then sends a force back in time to the Well of Eternity to recover the Dragon Soul.The Horde and Alliance, as well as large numbers of dragons, battle at Wyrmrest Temple. A whole bunch of dragons die. Thrall kills Deathwing after the combined army weakens him.That's where it ends. It definitely feels like as time went on they got more wary of assigning a specific faction to killing actual raid bosses, only assigning victories for 5 mans and other things. The raids not mentioned were Gruuls Lair, Kara, Obsidian Sanctum, Ruby Sanctum, and Blackwing Descent, although it is mentioned that Nefarian was rezzed and then killed again, but with no details. With them giving the Horde BoT, I want to assume they would have given Alliance BWD to even things out, but who knows. Most 5 mans aren't mentioned, and I would be comfortable assuming they were defeated by either the most logical faction (Deadmines to Ally, Shadowfang Keep to Horde etc) or by a force led by the appropriate neutral faction (the Earthen Ring and most Cata dungeons.)TL;DRBRD- AllyMC- unknownMara- HordeDire Maul- HordeBRS/BWL - HordeWailing Caverns - HordeSunken Temple - AllianceZG - HordeAQ20 - HordeAQ40 - AllianceNaxx - AllianceHellfire Citadel - HordeCoilfang Dungeons/SSC - AllianceTempest Keep - HordeBlack Temple - BothZul'Aman - HordeMagisters Terrace - HordeSunwell Plateau - AllianceOnyxia - AllianceNaxx again - BothMalygos - BothHalls of Stone - AllianceHalls of Lightning - HordeUlduar - BothArgent Tournament - BothICC - BothAl'akir - BothGrim Batol - AllianceBastion of Twilight - HordeFirelands - BothEnd Time - HordeWell of Eternity - AllianceDragon Soul - Both