The real winner for me in Classic compared to Retail is the sensation of not having to do daily stuff or grind "power" every log in and be free to go in and out at will

GIven that i do like both versions for different reasons. But i was thinking what for me made the old days, not only vanilla, a bit more special was the sensation of playing the game whenever you wanted on your "terms" compared to the bombardement of grind for Artifact power/azerite/daily quests/world quests you need to go trough every day n retail, to dont fall "behind the curve".Like seriously to me it feel so forced to have those system like Azerite power or the Legion artifacts into te game, it feels like an unecessary infinite progress you have to go trough just so you "keep playing" but it's actually having the opposite effect at least on me.I really really hope we don't have the next artifact power in the next expansion, it's just a big turnoff for me.