There's a reason there's a tank shortage in mythic+

I started playing wow at the end of BFA right when quarantine started and quickly fell in love with prot warrior. I tanked all through leveling and had a blast and was excited to go into the new expansion as a valued player. Fast forward to now and I'm quitting tanking dungeons for the foreseeable future. The amount of pressure and stress placed on tanks is insane, every week we have know what mobs to pull, what mobs to focus, what mobs to kite, what abilities to mitigate, what abilities to interrupt, what packs you can chain, how all of these things interact with this weeks affixes. For comparison's sake, my guild just got AOTC with me tanking and it was 10 times less stressful, the reason being is that if I mess up bad in a raid I waste 5 minutes of everyone's time and I can shake it off. If I mess up in mythic+ then there's a chance I depleted a key that someone was hoping to push as well as wasted 40 minutes of everyone's time. I've started dpsing as arms in dungeons and I'm actually having fun in m+ for the first time this expac. The reason there's a shortage of tanks in mythic+ is because tanks are asked to do an obscenely larger amount of work than the other players with the burden of a big potential failure resting on their soldiers and until something changes I'll probably stick to raid tanking for the rest of Shadowlands.