A Horde Player, Honoring King Varian Wrynn

Hrm, ok... where to start. I'm an avid Horde player, for the full 14+ years the game has been live. During this time, I've honed a special hatred for the Alliance, and have killed my share in the Battlegrounds (250,000+ HKs). It's not that I have anything against the humans, so much as the cutsey gnomes, but already I digress. While waiting for BfA, I was invited to play a while on Alliance with an online friend who plays both realms. I've tried Alliance before, and actually made it to level 35 before going back to Horde. Something about the primitive, shamanistic, simple culture that just appeals to me.So, while playing my Druid, I managed to hit level 100 this last weekend. Finally, I can get my character caught up and unlock the other alliance races, right? I was in for something I was not fully prepared for. Going to the broken shore to fight the Legion, I gladly followed the Alliance leaders. We were fighting a common foe, after all, and it wasn't difficult to get immersed into the storyline. I was eager to see the other side of the battle, and wondered what had Genn and Jaina all up in their rage toward the Horde. Then we get to the confrontation of Gul'dan, a true enemy of Azeroth. It was even easier to join up with the Alliance to fight this Orcish abomination, and I say that as a long-time Orcish Shaman.Then it happened. I see Varian's leadership on the battlefield, an anthem and a battle standard for his people. He commands effectively and brilliantly, with the confidence of a true Orcish Warchief. As the battle rages, the winged demons come into the fray. As King Varian rallies the troops and orders word be sent to have Sylvannus's archers bring down the arial threat, I get a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach as I see the look of abject betrayal staring King Varian in the face. Sylvannus... I never liked you. I never trusted you. Why now, of all times, did you recall your archers? (I had to watch the Horde side again, and after seeing the conflict in her face when Vol'jin pleaded with her to preserve the Horde before it was annhiliated, I feel better; but, I do now finally understand why the Alliance has their viewpoint on the whole thing.)King Varian handled the withdrawal of the Horde, calmly and cooly, and did what he must. He also withdrew. There would be an account later, of course, but he had to do what was best for his people at the moment. Then Gul'dan summoned that Elite Fel Reaver, or whatever it was. I don't know if King Varian at that moment decided life wasn't worth it, or if he decided to martyr himself, but watching him charge back into battle to save his people... drive his sword ever deeper into the brains of whatever monstrosity that was.... yeah. I would follow him into battle. Human king and lowly Orcish Shaman, I would've fought with him to the end. Gladly.An honorable death for a very honorable man. I don't know if I felt the whole thing more keenly because it was Memorial Day, or if being Memorial Day allowed me to unbiasedly participate in what an Alliance player must've felt... but I do feel the loss, keenly.Hail to the king! Hail to the Alliance! I feel your loss! The world of Azeroth is a darker place without your king!