In light of Battle for Azeroth's faction (and race) based premise, I think that racial mounts need a revamp so that there's consistent quality among them, or at least suitable alternatives available.

As of the current state of the game, there's a huge discrepancy in the quality of racial mounts, with some races stuck using blurry 2004-era models, whereas others have new or updated models, or simply have adequately suitable alternative mounts that they can use. Then there are the Vicious mounts, which are all high quality versions of various racial mounts, awarded to PvP players for their accomplishments in that arena. So unless your character happens to be a race which has an updated or suitably alternate model and/or you excel at PvP, you're going to be stuck using significantly outdated racial mount models.Note that this is not a "give PvE players PvP-only rewards" post, I just want to point out the discrepancy in racial mount quality for those (like myself) who want to better represent their race in-game without having to resort to using very outdated mount models. To better outline the inconsistency, I'll go over the racial mount options available for each original (non-allied) race in detail, and suggest some possible remedies. Several original races have one or more options for updated racial mounts already, whereas others have none at all. Going through the each of the non-allied races, we can see which ones already have updated racial mount models readily obtainable through PvE, which ones have limited/slightly outdated PvE availability (italicized), and those races whose mounts are both woefully dated, and do not have any PvE alternatives available at all (bolded):Alliance-Humans: They already reuse the vicious mount model in the Alliance's prestigious horse. Aside from that, Humans are also getting several updated horse models on Kul Tiras and through Warfronts.-Draenei: Received many new Elekk models, both on Draenor and Argus, and through the Lightforged allied race unlock. -Dwarves: While the vicious war ram model is becoming available in a new tint, it's only for one class (Paladin). Otherwise, non-Paladin Dwarves are still stuck with the Vanilla-era ram model.-Worgen: They never really received a racial mount in the first place, although they could conceivably use the new Kul Tiran horses. The Worgen model updates would likely include a new Running Wild animation, but we've been without any updates on that front for a good while. -Night Elves: The Vicious Warsaber is the only updated Nightsaber currently available. Since Night Elves have an especially large role to play in BfA, I'd expect their Nightsabers to get some kind of update. Whether or not it will be a reskin of the vicious model, I do not know, but I hope we get something akin to it. And, no, while similar (and good looking), the Shado-Pan tigers shouldn't count as an alternative IMO.-Gnomes: Aside from the PvP mount, Gnomes are still stuck with their vanilla-era mechanostriders. While the Vicious Mechanostrider looks like a fantastic war machine in general, with the machine-gun head and all, they could stand to get a new model entirely. Neutral-Pandaren: Though there is a vicious version of their turtles, the PvE-versions are a relatively recent addition with high fidelity models. I don't see a pressing need to update them further. Horde-Orcs: Like Humans, the Horde's prestigious wolf also reuses the Orc's vicious mount model. And like the Draenei's suite of new Elekk models, Orcs received a host of new wolves on Draenor, as well as through the Mag'har Orc allied race unlock.-Trolls: Although the Vicious War Raptor was, for a long span of time, the only high-res raptor mount in game, they're now getting several new raptor models in BfA, mostly through Zandalari reps, but also through buying the deluxe edition of the expansion.-Forsaken: Although it's only one mount, the Forsaken do have a PvE means to get an updated racial mount in Midnight, yet another recolor of their vicious mount. Additionally, there are additional recolors of this mount in-game, such as the awesome skeletal horses ridden by the new Four Horsemen, but they are yet to become available for players. -Goblins: Unlike the Worgen, the Goblins did receive an entirely new racial mount model during Cataclysm, the trike. Since Goblins already have a relatively new racial mount, combined with existence of Shredders already on live as well as the datamined Goblin-themed Mimiron's Head-like hovercrafts in BfA, I think it's pretty unlikely that they'd get a new model (even if the War Trike looks amazing IMO).-Tauren: The italics are supposed to imply that the racial mount hasn't recently received a recent model update of any kind, but that's not really true in the case of the Taurens' Kodos. As of the beginning of Legion, the Kodo racial mounts were quietly reskinned with higher-def textures, bringing the model's graphical fidelity into this decade. So compared with other new racial models, this type of update is setting the bar pretty low, and it would be nice if they got a little more than some slightly better textures. At the same time, it's something, and presents a low-effort option to improve the worst offenders of this list. -Blood Elves: Aside from the Vicious Hawkstrider, the only non-BC-era model Hawkstrider that has been (sort of) added for Horde PvE players is the Talon's Vengeance Ivory Hawkstrider, and even then, it's a) the vicious model stripped of its armor, and b) obtained only through non-instanced PvP. So this doesn't really count, IMO. Ironically enough, Alliance players have access to the only new PvE Hawkstrider remodel through the Void Elves' Voidstrider, though its arguably not even a Hawkstrider. Suffice it to say, Blood Elves need some new racial mounts. RecapSo, my real question is: does Blizzard have a Horde bias?? /sBut seriously, in light of the upcoming faction-based conflict expansion, I want to see some attention given to some of the older race's outdated racial mounts, especially for some of the worst offenders (Night Elves, Blood Elves, and Gnomes). And with Battlefronts being a key feature, this is the perfect time to provide updates for PvE players! Based on my assessment, not all of the updates would have to be reused Vicious mounts either (although the Gnomes' and Night Elves' are damn sexy).We're getting tons of horses, dinos, and even bees as mounts, and some of the most irrelevant critters are getting model updates (R.I.P. triangle prairie dogs), so I hope Blizzard throws us a bone and does something for the woefully-dated racial mounts. Maybe they don't have the resources for entirely new models (small indie company, amirite?), and I want to respect the achievements of the PvP players, but perhaps reskinning a few more vicious mounts and locking them behind tough and/or time-consuming PvE achievements wouldn't be entirely terrible, at least for the worst offenders I mentioned above. Even if Blizzard goes the "easy" route and simply reskins/retints the various vicious models to ensure that each original race has updated racial mounts, there are still plenty of vicious mounts that would almost definitely remain entirely PVP-exclusive, seeing as how their counterpart racial mounts are up to date. These include the raptor and elekk, trike and Gilnean Warhorse, as well as recent unique additions such as the turtles, the lion/scorpion, and the foxes. Not to mention all of the future vicious mounts as well, which I imagine will also have a similar non-racial mount theme.So there are certainly plenty of options out there! It's just up to Blizzard to see the need to make updates and spend resources to implement them. As a PvE player, I just want any option for my Night Elf to ride into his quest for vengeance on a Nightsaber who at least looks to be of this decade.All of this doesn't even mention implementing heritage armor/weapons or customization options, but that's opening up another can of worms. At least I can transmog modern looking implements on my older characters, and the WoD-era character model updates make them look quite good. Alternatively, the outdated racial mounts are basically unusable in several cases (from an aesthetic standpoint), especially when there are no comparable alternatives in place outside of dedicated PvP. TL;DR: Although some of the OG race's racial mounts have received some kind of update or an adequately comparable alternative, many other races are limited solely to the blurry/low-res models from Vanilla/BC-era. That is, unless you're a dedicated PvPer.If Blizzard deems it important to update the worst offenders, it seems like they have a few options: 1) implement some minor textural updates like they did for Kodos (easy but boring), 2) create entirely new models like the Zandalari raptors (cool but resource-intensive), or 3) simply retint a few more vicious mounts (good for PvE players, bad for PvPers).Regardless, there's got to be a compromise, or maybe it isn't important at all: what are your thoughts?