They should really use Chromie to tie up all the weird leveling storylines

Having Chromie when you are leveling to give a brief introduction to each zone would really help explain why I'm being sent on a quest to talk to Warchief Garrosh, but finding Vol'jin, or Sylvanas.Chromie just appears as you enter each zone and says "Silverpine forest, Sylvanas is sent to deal with the Gilnean attacks. This took place after the cataclysm, and Garrosh Hellscream is the current Warchief."It's such a simple thing. Maybe even have Chromie meet you when you first start leveling and tell you that there are some temporal time problems and it will take a while to get you back to the right time, but until then she will explain what's going on.If they don't want to go into each quest and fix the plotlines, at least bridge the gap somehow to make it a bit more cohesive.Anyway, just my 2 cents.