Main difference between Alliance and Horde War Campaign

So, yesterday I faction changed my Horde main to Alliance just to get those allied races. But to do that I have to do the Alliance War Campaign.While doing so, I realized one huge difference regarding my character: On the Horde side you are treated as a skilled henchman, taking orders from everyone, not knowing anything more than what your 'commanding officer' tells you. Most of the times I felt like that sketch from Mitchell and Webb: "Are we the baddies?"Meanwhile, in the Alliance side you get to participate in every plan discussion meeting, even though you don't have a say in anything (c'mon Blizz, it's 2019, time to let us make choices) you at least know you are important enough to sit at the big boys table while they discuss the next step... The downside of this is that if you are doing it for the second time, you come to reddit to write a post about the difference between factions war campaigns while your char is watching a meeting lol