Next expansion ought to bring a Character Race emphasis. Additional customisation options, revamped capital cities, enhanced racial abilities, and unique storylines beyond the starting zones (similar to Class Quests).

For example, as a Night Elf I would love a little miniature talent tree for racial abilities. Imagine 5 rows of abilities with 3 abilities on every row (15 in total). One column could be more cookie cutter and efficient in combat situations, one might be about survivability, and the final one could be more focused around world content or movement. That way it wouldn't be much more difficult to keep it balanced than it is today, because most of the new racial abilities wouldn't really affect combat. It's all about depth of character customisation and being able to achieve that extra bit of uniqueness. Here's an example of such a tree (for Night Elves):Row 1:Shadowmeld - Lets you step into the shadows and become invisible for up to 2 minutes.Elune's Grace - Run 10% faster at night.Night Warrior - Your critical strike chance is increased by 1% at night.Row 2:Wisp Spirit - Move 75% faster on death.Wisp Flight - Gain the ability to fly on death, but at normal run/walk speed.Wisp Vengeance - Explode on death, dealing 15% damage of your killing blow to the enemy players around you.Row 3:Etc.The racial abilities could be changed but with a hefty cooldown, say once every week or so.