Probably a conversation between the Old Gods...

N'zoth: "Hey, Yogg... I think the denizens of Azeroth are closing in on me. I'm like 90% sure they'll group up and fight me as soon as they find me. What did you do to get them to leave you alone when they busted into your house?"Yogg-saron: "Oh. I just did what C'thun told me. Leave like, the tip of one of your fingers sitting above the ground, let them smack it and just chuck a bunch of treasure at them after a while. They'll leave you alone."C'thun: "Yeah, that's right. They'll be back tho. Long as you keep ditching treasure at them they'll keep leaving."N'zoth: "Alright cheers. I know we could just murder them all but I don't wanna draw any unwanted attention from... anybody else, if you know what I mean"Ghost of Y'shaarj: voidtistic screeching