Wrath of Azshara as a sub rogue, this is bullshit right?

Okay so I searched but didnt find any topics directly on this, but I recently ran a 10+ eye of Azshara on my rogue alt just to get the weekly chest, and my god, the final boss was a massive pain. Both my stealthed/vanished shadowstrikes AND every use of DFA ended up putting me right inside the boss, resulting in a decent amount of damage taken. Thanks to rogue bullshit and it only being a +10 I didnt die or anything, but I could see this being a massive pain on higher difficulties, is this just the nature of sub rogues on fights like this? Any workarounds?DFA is a really cool looking ability, but that animation has got me into trouble a fair few times now (as has the vanish shadowstrike teleport), recently I ended up landing in one of Melandrus's avoidable lines on the floor (can't remember the ability name), Avatar is a good example, where it places you directly in the middle.