Ah, welcome to Kul Tiras! So, what have we missed these last 20 something years?

Well we defeated the Fire Lord Ragnaros twice, killed him.Wiped out three troll empires, maybe more, I lost count.Defeated three old gods.Finally got around to killing Arthas after King Varian was found.Oh yeah, King Varian was kidnapped, and he is also dead now.The Kingdom of Gilneas has fallen.Some dwarf punched a giant world destroying dragon in the face.The dragon aspects lost their powers or something.Stopped two Burning Legion invasions, fought them on their home planet of Argus.Sargeras stabbed our planet with a sword.Also, the planet is an egg shell for a titan. Our boi Magni got her on hotline.Dalaran is a floating city now.Khadgar might be my dad, and yours.So nothing much then?Not at all!