My son... picked Horde

So I have a sad and disheartening story to tell.My son has watched me play WoW since he was born. I have played (off and on) since Vanilla and have been Alliance most of that time. Tonight I decided that at 7y/o - he was old enough to goof around on a newbie toon off in some far tutorial area. I annouced it at dinner and watched his little eyes light up. Already he was talking about being the Hero - defeating the badguys, and cutting them with his weapons.My eyes beamed as I knew my little boy would roll a Warrior - one of my favorite classes!We settled down on the laptop, and he asked which kind of Orc he could be.My heart fell out of my chest.MY OWN BLOOD... how could he do this to me?! How many times have I fending off the Horde from my home city of Stormwind? How many times has he heard me lament the Forsaken Queen! My son... has betrayed me.How do you guys cope with this? This hollow feeling inside... will it ever get better?TL;DR - TIL - My son picked horde