Dire Maul is completely broken, making it nearly impossible unless you are wearing heirlooms.

As we all know, mobs in dire maul hit hard. But with the recent scaling it has become literally impossible to tank unless u are specific classes who can deal with it.I am leveling a warrior with a healer friend, both of us completely full of enchanted heirlooms, and if we pulled 3 mobs or more it was incredibly difficult to stay alive. We even wiped a few times.Why is this? Because a debuff called sunder armor. Mobs debuff you with sunder armor lower you armor a "certain" amount according to the flavor text. However in reality this removes 500 armor each stack, stacking 3 times. But at this level as a warrior with looms i have 400 armor, which means i got 0 armor as soon as I get 1 debuff.This is completely broken beyond belief and needs to be fixed else no group can reasonably complete this dungeon.