I've levelled up as both Horde and Alliance on alpha/beta and I do not see the moral equivalency Ion is referring to

Doing sets of quests, it appears that the alliance simply just treat the Horde badly when they take prisoners and such. There aren't any instances I can recall where i felt like the Alliance as a whole was stepping into morally grey territory, in fact; most of their behaviour even seems justified considering the Horde mercilessly slaughtered thousands of innocents in an unprovoked attack.In real life; the Alliance would only just fall short of Canada morally whereas the Horde would be closer to Nazi Germany. As a horde main for over a decade, I felt pleasure killing horde during my Alliance playthrough and felt guilt as horde.I'm not sure how to remedy this, I haven't said anything until now because I was hoping there would be changes but given Ion's response, upon reflection I think Blizzard are somehow perceiving a false moral equivalency between the two factions and as much as I want to be a horde apologist I just can't.