Azeroth (Azathoth) is a Void Lord not a Titan

As most of us know the old gods are based off the lovecraft mythos and the outer gods. Yog-Saron is Yog-Sothoth, C'thun is Cthulhu, N’zoth is Zoth-Ommog. Chaos, the void, madness, are all themes in both the Lovecraftian lore and the void from Warcraft.One of the outer gods is named Azathoth. Azathoth is the “father of the old ones” who “lays sleeping but will awaken.” He is the creator of all things at the center of our universe. He is the sole survivor of a great war that raged before time.I believe that Azeroth is Azathoth. I believe that the Titan soul of our world is no Titan at all, but the greatest of the Void Lords and the soul survivor of the Burning Crusade.--------------------------Let me explain:--------------------------Legend holds that Aman'Thul was the first of the titans and, convinced that he was not alone, set out to find other titans. He did find them and discovered that the primordial energies of which Titans are comprised coalesce in the center of rare planets as a “world soul.”Eventually, there was the Pantheon and Sargeras who with Aggramar was tasked with defending reality against the demon incursions of the twisting nether. While out fighting the demons Sargeras comes across a planet with a world soul. Only instead of the peaceful dreams he’d come to expect he could sense the nightmares and was horrified that the planet was overrun with monsters (Old Gods). Sargeras had known of the void since some of the demons had learned to channel its energies, but this was his first real encounter with it.WHAT IF …Void Lords are born the same way as Titans, and what Sargeras discovered was not a tortured titan soul, but an actual nascent Void Lord. The Old Gods were not corrupting the titan’s dreams, but were a product of the Void Lord’s madness and nightmares, an extension of the Void Lord itself. Similar to the way the Sha from Pandaria were a product of our emotions and passions. Remember, Sargeras only learned of the Old Gods “corrupting” titan souls from the Nethrazim who were basking in the energies of the void...not the most reliable of sources.It was a miscalculation on the part of that particular void lord because of course Sargeras’ reaction was to cut the planet in half. The rest of the Titans were none too pleased and disagreed with Sargeras’ scorched universe policy. Sargeras and the other Titans had a falling out and the burning crusade began. However, Azeroth seized this opportunity. Reaching out through the cosmos the Void Lord Azeroth deceived Aggramar masking it’s nightmares as the peaceful dreams of a titan soul.As Aggramar approached Azeroth he was horrified to see that void energies consumed the planet and Old Gods ruled the world, but “miraculously” the titan soul was uncorrupted. Miraculously indeed!! The rest of the Titans vowed to “save” the titan-soul no matter the cost. This was exactly the outcome for which Void Lord Azeroth had hoped. Eventually, the burning crusade would become aware of Azeroth and the rest of the Pantheon would defend the Void Lord against their Titan brother!Of course, there would be a cost. Like the world Sargeras discovered, Azeroth spawned the old gods from its own being. It says in Chronicles that the Old Gods crashed into Azeroth’s surface out of the Great Dark. The Great Dark is not afar, but within the Azeroth herself. Everything is backwards with the void and so the Old Gods did crash into the surface from underneath an extension of the Void Lord herself. This is why Azeroth bled and was so wounded when Amon Thule pulled Yasshaj out of her. Its tendrils did not extend deep so much as they began at the core of the Void Lord and extended upwards.The sacrifice was necessary, cutting off one of her own, allowing herself to bleed as a most convincing ruse. Why else would the blood of the wound threaten to consume the planet? Light is the opposite of the void and shadow, and Arcane energies are more closely aligned with Void that light. The Void Lord Azeroth’s deception of Aman'Thul and the Pantheon was complete. They were even kind enough to patch up her wound with a well, a direct link to the surface so her corrupting influence could continue. The Old Gods were locked in the depths, brought back close to the heart of the void which spawned them.Azeroth did call for help, but not against the Old Gods, help against the coming of Sargeras. Azeroth wanted the titans to come so that now the enemies of the Void Lord would be fighting each other. Not only this, but eventually at the end of this expansion we see all the titans are essentially out of commission. The Void Lord Azeroth has manipulated the Titans into fighting and imprisoning each other.Now that the burning crusade is defeated and all the Titans are imprisoned the last enemy to defeat are those heroes still living on Azeroth. The blood of Azeroth has turned us against one another and after weakening us through the horde/alliance war the last of the Old Gods will come out and exterminate the stragglers. Then the Void Lord Azeroth will emerge and send the universe into darkness, chaos, void and madness.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Is there anything in game that would make us think Azeroth is not a Titan Soul, but a void Lord?-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Azerite: This is the blood of Azeroth scattered as a result of the stab wound. It has a much different effect on us than did the blood of Sargeras (a Titan). Titan blood was valuable, traded as a currency, but the blood of Azeroth corrupts, drives us mad, and causes us to fight one another. The nightwell and sunwell are also essentially the blood of Azeroth and they too have an addicting corrupting effect.The blood of Azeroth is rumored to have awakened/healed C'thun. There is no reason Titan blood should do that. Xelatath didn't ask you to rub a bunch of Blood of Sargeras on her did she? The blood of Azeroth is so important to the old gods because Azeroth is a void Lord and the creator of the old gods.Recently we have dialogue from the Ilganoth fight:“The king of diamonds has been made a pawn.”We assume that means the old gods are whispering to Magni, but if Azeroth is a void Lord then him being a pawn is much more direct.“Her heart is a crater, and we have filled it.”The heart of Azeroth is a literal crater filled with old gods.“At the hour of her third death she will usher in our coming.”1st death = The sundering2nd death = The shattering3rd Death = The giant stab wound in Silithus“He draws strength from the earth, our earth our strength.”“Our earth” is very straightforward, Azeroth belongs to team old god/void lord.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------We’ve all been deceived. Azeroth itself is the enemy. We’ve served her unwittingly, and when her sleep ends, our nightmare begins.