The real reason why we won't be getting PVP vendors

TLDR: The primary reason we won't be getting PVP vendors with a currency is because PVE and PVP gear are now equal in terms of their use and a vendor system for PVP would be unfairly deterministic when compared to PVE gear acquisition. Please read the actual post if that doesn't make sense to you and/or watch his actual response in the Q&A. I've have seen plenty of posts in this subreddit and discussion within my own guild about how out of touch Ion is with the community because he thinks vendors will be too "confusing" for new players. I feel like these comments are misrepresentation of Ion's actual comments in the Q&A and doing so only hurts the game and community as a whole. Feel free to skip the first half of this post if you already know the context of this discussion. In the recent Q&A a question was asked about why there isn't just a vendor for PVP gear with a currency like there was in the past (current system is a kind of confusing weekly bar you fill with a specific reward) which is a totally fair question. Ion gives a decent explanation and discusses all the improvements that were made for the current patch. Essentially he says that PVE gear and PVP are now equal for both activities in current WOW. PVP gear no longer has PVP only stats on it (like resilience or PVP power) which is great because it means that people can choose how they gear up and then can participate in any activity they want without any major drawbacks (PVPers can PVE with their gear and raiders can PVP with their gear). Both systems have loot that scales with difficulty so if you're a high rated PVPer you have mythic level gear. He explains that the reason why there is no PVP vendor like before is that the system lets you target specific pieces that would be the best upgrade possible each time. In a world where PVP gear is only good for PVP that is fine because everyone is on an even playing field, but in the current WOW that would make PVP by far the best way to get a specific piece of gear. PVE gear doesn't work that way. Bosses and dungeons only drop certain items and if the item doesn't drop, that's it. You'll probably get upgrades for other slots but you can't just pick the slot you want. So now since PVE gear and PVP gear are essentially equal, making PVP have a vendor with any possible slot you want would mean that PVP is by far the best to get upgrades (want a weapon? Better PVP so you can ensure you'll get it). They realized that the previous version of PVP gearing ( lower ilvl items randomly at end of matches, weekly chest with one random higher ilvl piece of gear, and weekly bar fill up with one guaranteed specific piece of gear) was a little too limiting because if the weekly bar fill up wasn't an upgrade and you had bad RNG with the chest you could go a week without upgrades. So for the new patch, the weekly bar fill up gives you MULTIPLE options with different slots and different stats in the hope that each week the weekly bar fill up should give you an upgrade and allow you to aim for slots that you need upgrades for. With the new changes, PVP is probably the best way to target specific slots but is pretty balanced compared to gearing up other ways. Having a vendor would of course feel better for someone who only PVPs but as Ion said, it wouldn't be fair to other methods of gearing. Among this probably 5+ minute explanation, Ion briefly mentioned that another downside to the currency + vendor system is that it can be confusing for new players to know what the currency is for, where to find the vendor, and how to get gear from PVP. Getting random loot from wins (like PVE), opening a chest each week (like PVE) and turning in a quest each week that is right next to the chest is in his mind a system more similar to other parts of the game. So instead of having an actual reasonable discussion about whether high levels of determinism in gear would be good all around (add currency vendors for PVE?) or if a combination of random chance + some deterministic methods is best, the WOW community as a whole instead decided to spend the week focusing on Ion's one minor comment about a vendor/currency being confusing for new players and memeing him into outerspace. Whether or not you agree with Ion's reasoning is not the issue here, it's the blatant misrepresentation of his points that just leads to a giant circle jerk about how Blizzard doesn't know how to make their own game. EDIT: Link to the Q&A