Does anyone else think it would be cool to turn Arcane mage into a sword wielding battlemage spec?

I feel like the “battlemage” style would be an awesome addition to the game. And the different specs of mage, while they’ve done a good job at making each feel different, seem like they could benefit from an interesting niche like this. Arcane has been the most underutilized mage spec I can think of in the history of the game, occasionally topping dps charts and never really being top dog for mage pvp for any real amount of time.It would rely heavily on mage armor being a cloth and speed for survivability. Close gaps to melee casters easily, and when it has to go toe to toe with melee it focuses on kiting and killing from mid-range. And obviously have more ranged abilities than most melee. And arcane is already so fast.Idk. I’ve wanted this for years and years. And I know it will never happen.But anyone else think it’d be cool?