I think WOW was at its best when we were adventurers, not heroes.

So we have been dealing with existential threats and at the center of nation-shaking policy decisions for a long time... and I honestly have gotten numb to it. Especially since someone with my achievements should be uniquely powerful and in a leadership role; yet here I am on my fourth warchief, beholden to the orders of not even the first, but the second genocidal moron1 we put in charge for some fucking reason.I miss the times when I was basically a footman or whatever warcraft unit equivalent I chose to be, because then I could mentally reconcile being swept along in decisions I had no say in. Troops gotta follow orders, right?But... I've killed Arthas. And KJD. And Yogg. And Archimonde. And Deathwing. Meanwhile my faction leaders were doing... what, exactly? Not to mention I was basically class president for a year and a half, you know.(Thrall was in for Deathwing but you get the point.)Yet here I am having to do shit that I fundamentally disagree with. Tauren Druids at Teldrassil - you know what I'm talking about. I sit in on meetings with the leaders of my faction, and they just tell me what to do and I gotta just go fucking do it?In making our in-game roles bigger, we've gotten additional titles and bigger numbers. What we haven't received is greater "power." We're still not in control over big decisions.I guess my ultimate point is they can't give us real agency and immersion with the kinds of threats and accomplishments we achieve in the game, for the obvious reason of I'm just one player amongst millions and the game is for everyone not just me.But if that's the case, why continue to meaninglessly inflate our characters' stories when we don't get to really leverage it in a fun and impactful way? I don't think I like the direction we've gone as a game.TLDR: I miss when my character had a smaller part in the World of Warcraft. It felt bigger and more immersive back then.1 I can't use the r-word in this subreddit apparently.