Found out today that my Office Janitor and I played on the same server for years

TLDR: The Title.For some backstory, I am a 23 y/o Security Guard out on the West Coast, and I'm LITERALLY the guy in the Overwatch Cinematic; I watch the Cameras, patrol the facility I work at, and play Hearthstone.Every day at the same time, the same Janitor (We call them Office Nannies) comes in and starts taking out the trash, vacuuming the floors- you know, the stuff.Well today I was clicking around my google documents on my computer, and he saw one of my old high school articles where I compared the Horde to ancient and modern civilizations and he casually asked "Was that a Horde.. Thing?"Snapcut to us shooting the shit for nearly an hour, (mind you I don't even know this man's name, we have never spoken before,) about how amazing Wrath of the Lich King was(When I started), and how intense the raiding was for Spine of Deathwing (When he quit.)It was kinda sad when he started thinking back to all these friends he had thought he left behind, and even more when I had to give him my take on the state of the game, but then I mentioned my Raiding Guild back in the day- Wolfhunters, on Alliance - Borean Tundrea. He was suddenly really invested and asked if i still played on there, and that he played Horde as a Rogue in Borean Tundra and I nearly leapt out of my chair.More chatter about the server and certain guilds and just a general good time later, he had to move on after a bit. But just... Holy cow. The odds of that are phantasmal at best.I dunno if I tagged this post right, or if I did anything about this right, but I really wanted to share because there's no way this has only happened to me.