Based on the amount of QQ happening on forums right now, i feel like i need to clarify something that i thought was obvious - this is a STRESS TEST. THE WHOLE PURPOSE IS TO STRESS THE SERVERS, not to test the game.

"Omg its 2019, how can blizz not afford servers??1" is basically every comment on official forums right now.THIS IS NOT A BETA TEST.THIS IS NOT AN ALPHA TEST.THIS IS NOT A GAMEPLAY TEST.This is a STRESS test. Its not here to let you test anything, or let you play, its here to create worst possible conditions for the servers, so that the devs can figure out how the traffic flows etc on their end, and make sure the actual launch goes smooth. Blizzard WANTS this to lag. They WANT it to be slow, they WANT it to crash, they WANT people to be stuck in queue.THINGS WILL BREAK. THATS THE WHOLE POINT.THERE WILL BE LAG. THATS THE WHOLE POINT.THERE WILL BE CRASHES AND QUEUES AND ERRORS. THATS THE WHOLE POINT.This is not a test for YOU the consumer. You are the people who are helping test this for DEVELOPERS.I am honestly astonished at how many people thought they were entitled to play the game right now, and are let down by the fact that its lagging or crashing...