Blizzard Game Master disbanded our 9/9M Guild.

We're a solid guild of 300 character; no drama, no illegal activity, we just keep to ourselves mainly. Overnight our guild was disbanded and everyone is guild-less.I've put in a ticket and I am now waiting for the response.Can anyone speculate the cause of something like this?​Edit: Ticket screenshot (Personal info removed):100% confirmed a team of Game Master's disbanded our guild, awaiting a response after an escalated ticket.Very confusing situation.​UpdateGuild was disbanded due to "irregular activity".We did mythic carries for gold ONLY. " From my personal experience, guilds are not disbanded due to any carry runs performed. " - Game MasterNo email was sent.None of our players have been banned.Nobody has lost gold/loot. (Except for gbank stacked with pots/10M).Our carries have their mounts/achievements.​If there was irregular activity. How does disbanding a guild, not banning anyone, do anything. We're going to be raiding tonight like nothing happened.​Raided tonight and sold Jaina mount like usual. No banned players, nothing changed except we have a funny guild name now.