It really sucks they made Legacy content harder to do, basically screwing us

One of the things I was really looking forward to a shadowlands was finally being two expansions ahead, so I can solo nighthold myself on all my alts. However, it's still not possible to solo it on my hunter or my druid. plus, if I want to run it on my alt characters that are level 50, decked out in full heroic raid gear from Nyalotha, absolutely no chance in hell I can do that. I I used to have no problems soloing it last expansion, but now they made it even harder, so it's not possible.Just process that for a second. The normal cadence for how the game should be is completely disrupted. We are supposed to get stronger with each expansion, and the old content should become easier. they purposefully decided to make it harder on us and that is something I really don't appreciateIt takes me about 30 to 35 minutes to get a group together on each of my characters, often I have to beg someone to help me or run with me just for Nighthold. For tomb of Sargeras I don't even bother, no one does it, no one wants to help, KJ is virtually impossible