If you could re-design mythic plus affixes so that there was positives and negatives to each one, so that players could look forward affixes rather than just dislike some less than others, what would you create?

The general idea would be that key levels would be harder than they are at the current time (to offset the benefits), however the affixes would both benefit and penalise the players, with perhaps some affixes also directly affect NPC enemies as well as players.The general feed back from players seems to be that affixes are just something to look forward of they aren't as bad as the current week, rather than something to help make the game more fun by being something that might help your run.PerhapsElemental, where all Fire/Ice/Earth/Air damage creates an extra 10% damage over 10 seconds, on all NPC and PC damage.Full of Life - All NPCs and PCs gain 10% health.Inspiring could be like pride where the players also get Inspiring, but 4 random percentages during the run, so the tanks aren't expected to plan exact Inspiring drops.These are just random ideas I thought up, with out much planning. The main concept is having things to forward to that also make things harder.