With the “news” coming out that 9.1 is several months away, combined with reports that player numbers are dropping significantly, Blizzard has the opportunity to implement a couple EASY AND SIMPLE game adjustments to keep players around: embrace alts and character experimentation

We’ve all heard the news that the game is way behind schedule due to the pandemic and 9.1 is likely several months off.We have also seen that the numbers of players has dropped significantly, but perhaps not unexpectedly.Unfortunately, these two things in combination could have disastrous repercussions for the game and player base, even more than we are currently feeling. I believe this can be easily avoided by Blizzard allowing players to have more freedom with experimenting with their characters and by allowing a much smoother experience for progressing alts. Here are my thoughts:Remove the Soul Ash Time Gate: With the soul ash cap being removed, also remove the weekly reset for running Torghast. I personally hate Torghast, but I will run it over and over again until I can collect enough Soul Ash for legendary upgrades as well as to experiment with other legendaries for different character specs and for different content, like PvP. It’s likely that some new crafting material will be needed in the next patch for upgrading legendaries, so when the new content has arrived, you can control the pacing again. (Personally I don’t like time gates, but I get it). Also, this will encourage more players to level alts because they won’t stuck behind weeks of upgrades to get their characters to higher level content like raiding and PvP. To me, I’m currently turned off from doing anything past getting my alts to lvl 60 because there is months of gated progression that I’m not willing to do. If this was removed, I would be playing a lot more.Remove Conquest And Honor Caps: Like Soul Ash, time gating these resources until 9.1 is released is unnecessary and detrimental for alts. There is already a ilvl cap that can be achieved with PvP, so allow players to level up their characters through PvP much faster. When 9.1 comes out, wipe everyone’s honor and conquest points, but in the meantime, allow players to get their alts to higher level PvP content faster. It people wanna grind it, let them.Remove anima charges for changing conduits/soulbinds. Again, embrace the character experimentation. Don’t put barriers in place that prevent players from doing PvE and PvE.I’m confident that these changes would be very simple to implement by Blizzard, get players excited about tackling content with alts, and keeping players invested in the game during this long period between new content.If they want to continue to gatekeeper cosmetics behind rep and anima, so be it. That content is superfluous. I don’t love it, but I get it.Again, everything is basically going to start over again in 9.1, so let us have more freedom in the meantime.Thoughts? Any other changes you’d add?EDIT: Removed the part about renown since there are multiple catch-up methods that aren't time gated I wasn't aware of.