Our swedish initiative offers mental health support through orcs at the Twisting Nether server.

Hi all! Hope this is OK to post here, please let us know if not.We are Unga Lukas, a swedish nonprofit, that just launched our mental health support initiative through WoW to help young adults break the stigma and find someone to talk to.More and more young people are diagnosed with, and medicate for, mental health issues. They can be hard to detect partly because the limited insight adults often have into young people’s life online. At the same time, people who play computer games on a daily basis have been shown to feel worse than those who play less often. Among gamers, there are also many young men, a risk group when it comes to suicide.So, we decided to help.Three orcs, Edzurg, Olurg and Gakor, will be at the Twisting Nether server every Sunday between 18.00 and 21.00 (swedish time) to offer help to swedish young adults between 18-25 y/o. They will send you a 100% encrypted and anonymous link to a safe and secure chat on the Unga Lukas website, where our trained conversational supporters listen and give support (all of them are gamers as well). Here is our website with all the info you need to find our orcs.We're kinda new to this Reddit-thing. Hope this will reach people who might need it, or at least open up for a discussion around gaming and mental health.Let us know your experiences with mental health! Do you feel like you have someone to talk to within the WoW-community?​EDIT: made it more clear that all sensitive communication happens in our own chat on the Unga Lukas website. The WoW-chat will only be used to send an encrypted link to this safe chat.