Opinion: Writing "LF x with brain" probably deters more decent players instead of "brainless" ones

This was a popular thing in Legion too (or even before - I've only played classic/tbc----legion/bfa), but now, at the start of a fresh expansion, I've finally seen these types of LFG texts emerge again.As a tank player who reads/watches guides for dungeons before even attempting them in lower difficulties (so I consider myself at least decent at my position), I always skip any LFG groups that have any text similar to the "something something with brain" (or any other itteration).My reason being: while the gist could be "know the mechanics", it always comes off as a bunch of twats who will bitch and moan about any slight mishap that may happen during a dungeon. I see it more like a "elitist twats meeting" sign (note: elitist does by no way mean that the player is good at the game - just his/her perception of ones own skills and attitude towards those they consider "lesser"). Even more so - some of the people that the OP is trying to deter (the more toxic ones at least), do not consider themselves as "not having brain" - it's a crucial part of what makes them them.This is just probably a small personal irk, but, for me, it reminds me of all the elitist jackasses that the game is sadly littered with. I've played tons of competitive League and Overwatch, and I, personally, find the PvP ragers much less annoying than the stuck-up sewage of end-content PvE WoW.