The Scrapper has to go. Professions are a mess and need improvement.

The scrapper has to go. It has already destroyed skinning and mining will be short to follow. Other professions are heavily impacted by this in turn.The problem here is simple, we're less than 2 weeks into the expansion and prices are already extremely out of whack. Most skinning items and other leatherworking reagents are pretty much at rock bottom prices. I don't even have skinning and I have 1200 calcified bones in my bank. The prices on AH are currently 6c buyout per item. You read that right, 6 copper for an item that is a staple for crafting in an expansion that is less than 2 weeks old.Skinning was the obvious first casualty. There is only 1 profession using it's goods and there are more leather wearing classes than anyone else in the game. This results in an extreme amount of leather coming out of the scrapper without any reasonable use.  Mining has a little bit of a reprieve since there are 3 professions actively using ore. However Blacksmithing and Engineering both will soon stop using up a lot of ore when most people max out their professions. Neither of these has very strong consumables or reusable crafts. Items of useful itemlvl are all bop so not many will be produced.Jewelcrafting will be a steady consumer of ore, however with the extremely limited amount of sockets in the game, the profession will have far more ore than anyone would ever wish for. On the other hand of the spectrum we have the herbalism/alchemy combo and enchanting. Both of these specialize in temporary improvements. Potions and flasks will need to be refreshed and new gear will always need a new enchant. Both of these professions would actually benefit greatly from a scrapper providing raw mats because there is a constant need for their goods, and yet neither herbs nor enchanting mats can be obtained from the scrapper.I did not mention Inscription because they have a more complicated situation. They cannot obtain raw herbs from the scrapper, but some items will provide them with inks when scrapped. Also while most of the glyphs they can make will at some point run into a saturated market, their vantus runes provide a nice craft that will never run out of a potential market. If you take all of the above together you can see a clear scenario. Most crafting professions will have most of their required required mats see a hyperinflation. There will now be an endless stream of mats coming in with limited ways to use them. This will make gathering professions associated with these crafting professions utterly useless. Things like barding , stirrups etc. are not enough to even remotely enough cover this. And don't even get me started on the trash engineering has gotten this expansion. Scopes are way too cheap, and other consumables like mount motivators are an absolute joke.Meanwhile professions like alchemy and enchanting with a never declining demand are not seeing any of their materials come out of the scrapper. This creates a huge imbalance between the gathering professions and their (long term) usefulness. While this was already a problem before, the scrapper has put this on a fast track. The current scrapper has to go. Blacksmithing, leatherworking and engineering need useful consumables/enhancements that are worth bringing into raids and dungeons. A good example for this would be the old blacksmithing socket creation, benefitting both themselves and JC's. TLDR: Scrapper creates far too much ore and leather leading to hyperinflation. Mats with more contant demand like herbs and enchanting mats don't come out of the scrapper. LW and Mining are dead or soon will be. -edit 1- Damn my mailbox blew up. I'm sorry for the sensationalist title, but that's how reddit works these days sadly. I strongly believe the professions need to be addressed and that blizz had made some extremely dubious choices to make the situation even worse this time around. With the scrapper has to go I mean the current iteration of it is bad and changes need to be made. Many profs are bad and have been for a long time. The scrapper makes this problem worse. Wod resources were terrible for the economy. The scrapper takes even less effort than a mining/herbing run back then did. And at least back then we had the useful and sellable wod boe's to craft with it. I hope blizz notices and steps in to correct this situation before it gets even further out of hand.-edit 2- As many have pointed out in the comments, another big part of the problem is the need for expulsom that requires us to keep scrapping even if the rest of the possible stuff is absolute junk.-edit 3- This post is not about moneymaking and Action House millionaires. Resources not being worth anything, while others are creates extreme imbalances. The fact that a certain armor class will get good mats simply because their armor class is the preferred one for scrapping is not ok either. This is not a problem that will be fixed by warfronts alone. Mats that are extremely unbalances won't magically balance out with some turn ins because the the ratio that they are being used at doesn't change.